mugua03 发表于 2013-7-4 19:35:15

Digital Juice影视视觉特效背景素材库

中文名: Digital Juice影视视觉特效背景素材库
英文名: Digital Juice Compositors Toolkit Visual FX Library 2
资源格式: 光盘镜像
版本: Disk 8
素材分类: 视频
出品机构: Digital Juice, Inc.
发行时间: 2011年

Digital Juice COMPOSITOR'S TOOLKIT 2 - Disk 8
Digital Juice在影视视觉特效背景素材系列中,再次重磅推出高质量低价格的视觉特效素材库-2。Compositors Toolkit 2(CTK2) 比前作CTK1包含更多的特效素材,拥有全新的13大类别特效(爆炸、火焰、水、气泡、打击破碎、墨水滴落、火花飞溅、涂料、电流、纸撕裂、激光、碎片散落、灯光),超过275个高清晰度有机物高速运动特效短片。

Digital Juice returns to the video visual effects scene with another superb quality visual effects elements library, once again containing the highest quantity of clips, at the lowest possible price. With over 275 organic high-resolution, high speed clips, COMPOSITOR'S TOOLKIT 2 (CTK2) has more visual effects than its predecessor, CTK1, in 13 all-new categories. We're confident that our latest offerings to this market will have the same effect that our other revolutionary product lines have had throughout the years—inspiring our customers and giving them the creative tools to grow as producers, editors and now, visual effects artists.

The secret to pulling off great effect shots and motion graphics composites is using great tools. Not just software tools but also the visual elements you have to work with. The more realistic and high quality your elements and footage, the more believable your final composite will be. With Compositor's Toolkit, Digital Juice has gone through painstaking lengths to capture the essence that only real live effects can deliver. Imaginative limits are boundless with this artful collection of high resolution, ultra slow motion effects.

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天空-学习 发表于 2013-7-4 21:40:43


550236656 发表于 2013-7-4 21:57:05

丰富多彩 美不胜收

虎啸风生 发表于 2013-7-4 22:54:38


都市客 发表于 2013-7-5 04:14:41


恋你的鱼 发表于 2013-7-5 06:59:46


jackyzpl 发表于 2013-7-5 11:28:55


ppppp0987654321 发表于 2013-7-5 12:10:23


9004185 发表于 2013-7-5 14:43:40

丰富多彩 美不胜收

飘啊飘漂流 发表于 2013-7-5 20:40:52

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